Tuesday, September 11, 2012

  What is childhood obesity?
         Childhood obesity is a growing concern worldwide and more and more cases are being reported each year.  Childhood obesity is an increase in body weight due excessive amount of fat accumulation which affects a child's health in a negative manner.  Many children are facing this problem and this is leading to the younger children suffering diseases that would normally be seen in adults.

Causes of childhood obesity?
         Many reasons can lead to childhood obesity, and one of the main reasons being parents.  It is the parents that are looked upon when it comes to what to eat and what kind of habits to learn.  At such an young age, the child cannot make the best choices. The parents have to think ahead of the future and make the right choices for their children in regards to eating habits, exercising habits, and how their social life is being spent.  Not only are the parents responsible for childhood obesity, but also places such as schools need to make changes to their lunch menus so that childhood obesity can start decreasing.



  1. Childhood obesity seems to be a growing concern throughout United States, and United States is one of the most obese country. Even though parents are partly responsible for childhood obesity, genetics also seems to play a part. It has been deduced that in cases of childhood obesity genes play a factor. Obesity can also be a symptom for another underlying cause. There was a House episode in season one called “Heavy” where a ten year old girl is obese, and her mother claims that her daughter eats health and exercise. One day she was brought into the hospital because of chest pains, and one of the doctor on House’s team judges the girl for being obese, and partially blames the mother for her child’s obesity. Later it is deduced that obesity was a symptom of another underlying, and the little girl was suffering from Cushing’s Syndrome. Obesity is not only a poor parenting decision, but it can also be a genetic condition or a medical condition.

  2. I actually volunteer for a nonprofit organization that is trying to better the area of Roxbury. They focus on all issues and one of them is childhood obesity. One of the ongoing issues about childhood obesity is determining who to target: the parents or the children. Children are too young to develop healthy habits and to know what is wrong and what is right for them. For this reason, many people blame the parents for not providing their children with healthy eating habits and exercising habits. Just in the news the other day some people believe that parents should be prosecuted for having obese children. Some believe that this is an act of interference and some believe that this is a good healthcare advancement. What do you think? Sometimes it can be genetic, is that also the parent’s fault? I believe that with every situation it is a different case. Nothing is ever set in stone.

  3. I have seen a lot of obese kids who have reduced their weight as they grow older. I think this is because people become mature enough to consider about their health problems. Parents are really in significant positions to take control of what their kids eat. Diet and exercise are the most critical factors to determine whether obesity can be prevented. Especially, obesity is more growing concern in U.S than other countries. I have found child obesity as more serious problem after I moved here in America. American children are more exposed to greasy foods such as hamburger and French fries. Obese children should avoid foods deep fried in hot oil which has a high fat and high calorie count. Also, they shall follow a vegetarian diet.

  4. Parents do play a very important role in a child's upbringing. What children choose to eat and do is very much influenced by what they are given to and observe at a young age. Even more, schools play a crucial role since kids are at school for the majority of the day. I strongly believe if schools had healthier lunch choices and parents emphasized how important physical activity is, child obesity would significantly decrease. Children do not understand how diet choices will have a severe impact in their future lives. French fries and soda should not be seen as meals and drinks, and it is up to parents and school boards to mold children’s’ views so that the children can make their own healthy choices.

  5. Since the obesity has been a big issue in our society, I always check my weight and try to keep up with good body shape and weight. Not only I want to look nicer but also I know obesity brings all kinds of negative aspects to human body.
    However, in terms of childhood obesity, I used to think people overestimate the seriousness. I believed kids need enough nutrition to grow and perform all the activities. However, when I actually looked into the journals and news articles with real data and facts, I realized why people are so serious about childhood obesity. If kids have obesity in there teenages, I am sure they will develop much higher possibilities for other diseases. These days, we can buy junk food quickly and easily with a dollar. The role of adults including parents and teachers are very important to guide children to eat appropriate food.
